
Advances in technology have accelerated change in our sector, shaping how we engage with our tenants and how we deliver our services. The pace and scale of these changes presents a challenge to be overcome. 

‘tech’ has come together with partners to create a trusted space, providing a source of inspiration and information for the housing sector.

Why we need ‘tech’

We face challenges in recruitment and retention in the sector – Due to skills shortages in the sector, we aren’t able to reduce the hours of unmet need or to advance an agenda around prevention.

We need to ensure our homes are energy efficient and can adapt to the effects of climate change – Technology can be effectively implemented to monitor and improve the performance of our stock.

Putting Safety First

Our workforce struggles with the pace of change – Digital skills and literacy training must be a priority for all organisations undergoing their digital transition, as levels of comfort and confidence with new systems and ways of working vary widely across organisations and roles.

Digital skills and leadership

Technology/digital is a new frontier in housing – Many organisations are anxious and delaying procurement of digital solutions due to a lack of understanding of what’s needed and how it’s delivered.

Digital Maturity

The analogue to digital telephony switch is happening now – In 2025, the current Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) will be switched off and replaced with a digital ‘all-IP’ network.

Digital Telecare Playbook · Welcome to the Digital Telecare Playbook (digitaloffice.scot)]

The number of households in Scotland is projected to increase – At an organisation and sector level, we need to think strategically about how we design and build new homes, embedding digital throughout and, where possible, prioritising connectivity and digital access within our existing homes. 

Housing to 2040 – gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

Why we love ‘tech’

Technology can improve residents’ experience in social housing – By improving the home environment and offering more flexibility in how tenants receive services, landlords can build better relationships with tenants, deploying technology in a way that empowers residents and builds trust.

Data-linked technology enables housing providers to prioritise resources – Real-time data from environmental sensors can provide a clear indication of the quality of the indoor environment, including early detection of damp and mould, helping to safeguard tenants’ health.

Technology allows people to live at home for longer – Assisted living technologies help people communicate with healthcare professionals, seek urgent help and reduce social isolation, as well as maintaining health, fitness and wellbeing. 

Smart technology is becoming more affordable – Technology is becoming easier to install and simpler to use, making investment in technology a more appealing prospect for housing providers.

Strategies guiding our work

The Scottish Government, in partnership with COSLA (Convention of Scottish Local Authorities) and NHS Scotland, has published several strategy documents outlining the opportunities presented by digital and how these will be realised in the coming years.

Importantly, these strategies give explicit commitments to a human rights-based approach and ensuring services are designed, developed and implemented in discussion with the people who may use them, as well as their families and carers.

In 2019, the Scottish Government’s Technology Enabled Care (TEC) programme funded a TEC in Housing (TECH) programme to upscale housing’s contribution to the Digital Health and Care Strategy for Scotland by focusing on service transformation, informed by customer co-design. Its vision is to improve the care and wellbeing of people in Scotland by making best use of digital technologies in the design and delivery of services.

Read the Digital Health and Care Strategy’s Delivery Plan.

Read the Data Strategy for Health and Social Care and its Executive Summary

You can read more about digital in health and social care at www.digihealthcare.scot

During 2023, we will host engagement and participation sessions to explore the issues and priorities identified in the Data Strategy’s implementation plan, which is currently being developed. Find out more about these events by contacting DHCPolicyHub@gov.scot

Housing to 2040 – gov.scot (www.gov.scot), published in March 2021, is Scotland’s first long-term national housing strategy with a vision for what we want housing to look like and how it will be provided to the people of Scotland, no matter where they live and what point in their life they are at. Our ambition is for everyone to have access to a warm, safe, affordable and energy-efficient home that meets their needs, in a community they feel part of and proud of.

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