Enhance Your Digital Maturity with our Comprehensive Checkup

Now, more than ever, the need for better digital capabilities has become a top priority for social landlords. It has become essential to be able to operate and complete the majority of services and processes, both internally for staff and externally for tenants, in a digital way.

‘tech’ offers a variety of methods and tools you can use to determine and develop your organisation’s digital strategy.

Digital maturity.

The Digital Check-up Tool for housing associations and local authorities has been created in partnership by SFHA and SCVO to quantify and score the digital maturity of housing providers across Scotland.

The check-up is free to all social landlords and will help you assess your organisation’s current digital maturity and how it compares to other organisations of a similar size. It only takes about 10 minutes to complete, and you will see your results straightaway. You will also get a link so you can share the results with your team.

‘tech’ would be happy to review your results with you and help you plan your next steps.

Have a look for yourself. The Digital Check-up is a great place to start or take stock.

Anyone can complete the check-up

You don’t need to be a senior staff member; just someone with an interest in digital. Being unsure about any of the answers won’t be detrimental to your organisation’s score; it will only help others in the organisation get a better understanding of how different teams and individuals work within a digital setting.

Not a housing association?

What will your organisation get out of the check-up tool?

By completing the check-up, your organisation will get a digital maturity matrix score, along with a follow-up 1-1 with TEC Housing, if requested. This will include advice and shared learning on the six main strands of the maturity model, created specifically with social landlords in mind:


Digital skills and leadership

Staff need to have more digital skills in order to adapt to new working methods, and use digital tools to support the increasing demand for better access to services and information. Staff need to feel confident in using different types of technology, and be able to use their initiative to find solutions and troubleshoot if necessary. This encourages the workforce to become more effective and use resources more efficiently, for positive and impactful outcomes. For example, staff may be required to support people to attend appointments virtually using systems such as Near Me, which would enable more contact with tenants.

Housing providers should consider mapping out the digital skills requirements for job roles, measuring staff’s current levels of digital skills to identify gaps, using SCVO guidance Foundation digital skills - SCVO. Appointing Digital Champions can help change the overall culture and individuals’ attitudes towards tech. These are team members who, as well as talking about the importance of digital with their local teams, also support colleagues to develop their digital skills by offering peer support. SCVO offers free training for Digital Champions 

In partnership with Digital Health & Care’s digitally enabled workforce team, we have collated a list of trusted resources and digital guides designed to improve familiarity, comfort and confidence around technology and technology enabled care.

All of the courses below are available to housing professionals and provide learning opportunities for every level of the workforce.

NES Digital Health and Care learning zone, which includes information on the PDA in TEC (includes two free online learning modules on TEC)

NES Telecare learning zone (includes one free online learning module – Assessment and Support Planning: Telecare)

NES Digital Leadership Programme Open to housing colleagues 

The Scottish Approach to Service Design

‘TEC’ Scotland, together with the ‘tech’ programme, have supported many social landlords to redesign or introduce new services.

The publication of Campbell Christie’s ‘Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services’ in 2011 was considered the start of a radical roadmap to better public services. 

This described: 

  • empowering individuals and communities receiving public services by involving them in the design and delivery of the services they use. 

  • collaboration between public service providers, to integrate service provision.

  • prioritising spends on public services with a focus on early intervention. 

  • reducing duplication and sharing services wherever possible, across public, third and private sectors.

The Scottish Approach to Service Design can support landlords to work more with tenants and less for tenants. From research methods to customer journey mapping, this inclusive design approach is championed by the TEC Housing programme. Find out more here SAtSD.pdf (mygov.scot) or arrange a call with tech lead selliot@sfha.co.uk.

Near Me

Near me logo

Near Me is a secure, easy to use, web-based video appointments service that’s available to all social landlords, large and small, enabling housing services to be delivered or facilitated through video calling. The system was originally designed for NHS Scotland and is tried and tested, safe and secure. [Near Me]

Benefits of Near Me include:

  • Reduced travel to appointments: time, cost, convenience

  • Reduced time away from work, school or home

  • Easier to attend if you usually need someone to take you to appointments

  • Better for the environment

  • Reduces spread of infectious diseases.

Near Me supported services

  • New tenants – applications, sign ups, introductions

  • Existing tenants – general support calls, tenant enquiries, complaints, ASB witness statements, third party meetings, tenant mediation

  • Tenancy sustainment – new tenants, general advice and support, assist tenants with paperwork, support tenants to complete forms/claims themselves

  • Assets – triage a repairs request, drop-in clinics for specific problems.

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