Landscape Review of Environmental Monitoring Technologies for Housing

June 2024

The "Landscape Review of Environmental Monitoring Technologies for Housing" offers a detailed exploration of cutting-edge solutions for monitoring environmental conditions in housing settings. This resource equips service managers and decision makers with essential insights into the benefits, limitations, and practical applications of these technologies, supporting informed decisions for safe and independent living at home.

“Homes have never been simply bricks and mortar – good housing and homes support our health, our wellbeing, our life chances and our job prospects.”

Aileen Campbell, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government.

Implementing environmental monitoring technologies in housing offers several key benefits, including:

  1. Early Issue Detection: Sensors provide real-time data on environmental conditions, enabling early identification of potential problems like dampness or poor air quality.

  2. Proactive Care: Transitioning from reactive to proactive approaches allows for timely interventions, reducing reliance on tenant reports and inspection visits.

  3. Health and Wellbeing: Monitoring temperature, humidity, and air quality promotes a comfortable and safe living environment, supporting tenant health and preventing issues like mold growth

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