The countdown has begun

Does your organisation have a strategy for the 2026 digital switchover?

By 2025 the existing analogue telephone network will be switched to digital connectivity.

Background to telecare for local authorities and housing

Telecare services have been offered by local authorities, housing associations and voluntary organisations, collectively referred to as Telecare Service Providers (TSPs), in Scotland for many years. The equipment used to deliver telecare services uses analogue dial-up protocols to carry status and alarm signalling between the alarm devices in users’ homes and the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC).  

Historically, connectivity between homes and the ARC has been provided by either a housing warden call solution using a business telephone line or via a dispersed alarm unit within the service user’s home using their residential public switched telephone network (PSTN) line. These lines are currently used by many TSPs in Scotland to route alarm calls through to their ARC. 

‘The existing analogue network is made up of PSTN using copper wires to transmit information and integrated service digital network (ISDN) using digitalised circuits within PSTN networks to deliver voice, video and data. In 2017, British Telecom announced both networks will be switched off by 2025. 

What is the analogue to digital switchover and how will it affect telecare? 

As early as 2023, it will no longer be possible to purchase analogue lines from many of the main communication providers (CPs). Scotland is in the process of being migrated to a digital telephone network by CPs. Between now and 2025, the PSTN and ISDN network will be switched off and replaced with an ALL-IP digital solution.  

Ofcom has confirmed that the migration in the UK will impact a range of areas, including telecare provision as these “rely on some attributes of the PSTN that may not be fully replicated in VoIP-based platforms, and that analogue tone transfer will be affected in ways that may make some security and care alarms malfunction”. 

Analogue telecare equipment therefore can’t be guaranteed to operate safely and reliably over digital telephone lines. With the digital migration well underway, ARC services in Scotland have reported a rise in the number of failed alarm call attempts. This includes increasing instances of citizens being migrated over to a digital service in their property and left with analogue telecare equipment operating either unreliably or not at all.

The migration from analogue to digital has the potential to assist TSPs to provide the best value for citizens, as well as to prioritise telecare as an improved offering. Developing and improving the range of telecare services offered to users utilises higher capacity and always-on connections to users’ homes, which in turn improves efficiency and expands the range of telecare services that can be offered to users. 

The migration will mean telecare emergency alarm calls will no longer be received through the traditional method over an analogue line, instead relying on data packets being sent over the digital IP network (VOIP).

The strategic agenda to address this issue is outlined in Scotland’s Digital Health and Care Strategy

Be a leading part of Tech in housing

  • – what it means for service providers and users – TECH the story so far – good starting point

  • addressing misconceptions / concerns / restoring confidence

  • Item description
  • – currently helping with a smooth digital transition – included resources including digital telecare playbook – include training / leadership programmes – digitally skilled workforce

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  • Item description
  • Examples of good practice – some short videos – but organised in a different way – not taking up the whole page

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Organisations can expect to boost cost savings and team productivity over the long term.
Are you ready to take the leap?