Introducing our tech Conference Winner
Clare Bird
Older Peoples Coordinator - Clare Bird
West of Scotland Housing Association + Willoacre Trust
I line manages the retirement assistants and cleaners who all work within our sheltered housing.
My role is varied and certainly keeps me on my toes with regards to what I deal with daily including staff support, health and safety at sheltered housing and managing external contractors for sheltered housing. I love my job and feel privileged to work with some of our older tenants within our housing stock as they are such a wealth of information, experience, and stories.
I started working with WSHA/Willowacre in October 2017 and have thoroughly enjoyed my time here so far. My career has been varied having worked in community development, housing, education, employability as well as one of the original adult volunteers with Police Scotland Youth Volunteers.
My motto is to Enjoy Life as it Comes and Make the Most of Every Day.
My best Pal Luce who lives in Connecticut. Her positive outlook despite a life changing physical condition that threatens her son's life everyday from birth has amazed me and made me humble. It forces me to remember that life is too short and to enjoy each day as it comes.
Defo the laptop / internet - i spend my days researching my family tree and the ease of it now is amazing!
Meeting like minded workers / colleagues who are slurping their way through the digital revolution the same way as me - we are not alone!! 😆
Tik Tok and FB for me...
Definitely Dexter
Diary of a CEO
Why I am never talking to White People about Race Again
Has to be Glasgow - it has been home to me forever - i love living here - but if I had the chance to retire to Troon, i would !!
Not a saucy gal I must say, salt and vinegar only.