Empowering Independence: Darius's Journey to Self-Sufficiency with Reablement Support. Lilli leading the way.
Welcome to the success story of Darius and how reablement support helped him regain his independence! This case study showcases how Darius was able to live independently with the help of Lilli.
As a result of reablement support, Darius was beginning to become more independent with personal care tasks and his family and carers were becoming slowly more confident that he was able to shower himself.
Despite this, his allocated care worker still had some concerns around whether Darius was maintaining personal hygiene and if it was correct to reduce his care package for him to live more independently.
Addressing concerns
Having Lilli in place highlighted that Darius was showering on a semiregular basis, which gave his carer the confidence that Darius was recovering and had regained his independence over hygiene tasks.
Supporting a care decision
Using evidence from Lilli, Darius’s care worker made the decision to stop the package of care and provided reassurance for his son also who had no concerns over the package of care being stopped
The outcome
Darius was able to return to living independently, with both his carer and his family confident and reassured that he could take care of himself and didn’t need any extra care. In this case, Lilli supported a successful implementation of the reablement service, and prevented avoidable unnecessary prolonged extra care package when it was clear Darius was okay to live by himself.
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