Conference 2024 Programme

  • A catch up with others from our industry

  • An overview of how the day will look

  • Steph Elliot TECH Lead
    Jean Gray Viewpoint Housing Association

    Join Jean Gray, CEO of Viewpoint Housing Association and chair of the Technology in Housing board, as she shares her wealth of experience of working in Scotland’s social housing sector. We will take a trip down memory lane acknowledging our sectors biggest achievements and highlight where innovation has improved lives.

  • Lucy Harvey INK TANK
    Steph Elliot SFHA

    Join our TECH Lead and programme partner INK TANK as they lead this short warm up activity that will have you exploring the value of asking the right questions and giving the right instructions.

  • Time to catch up before the breakout sessions start

  • Sharon Hannah, Hayley McGlone & Isla Williamson Digital Office

    Sharon Hannah will guide you through a typical journey to digital, measuring your successes along the way.
    She will also give a little insight into the emerging Scottish Shared ARC benefits and will finish with details of funding opportunity only applicable to those with grouped housing to explore new fully digital solutions.

  • Cheryl Stevenson & Nicola Cooper Scottish Care

    Join Scottish care’s Care technologist as they share their experience of care technology and co production.
    How can they transform services, staff attitudes to tech and how tenants live independently in their own home.
    Lift the lid off the jar, think outside the box! How do we meet future needs today?!

  • Dave Farquharson Lightning Reach
    Rhona Penman Link Housing Association

    Join Link Housing, SFHA and Lightning Reach as they discuss their current partnership tackling poverty with their innovative approach to financial inclusion. This timely pilot responds to the fact it is becoming harder for housing staff to sustain the levels of demand - and cope with the personal stress of being on the frontline.

11:20 Breakout Block A

  • Fanchea Kelly Housing Innovation Expert
    Donna Henderson Hanover Scotland

    This session will look at the experience leading innovation in the housing sector and how focus has now turned to developing digital culture and leadership within the housing sector.
    When it all feels too fast too much too soon. How do we motivate and educate our senior leaders and board members to embrace technology and digital.

  • Brian Brown Archangel

    Join Smart Rural and Archangel as they discuss their work deploying tech into homes in “Huntly” to assist the HSCP and Aberdeenshire Council to holistically assess population health and wellbeing whilst simultaneously assisting landlords with property environment monitoring.

  • Hilary Lowe & Pamela Dimberline NHS Education for Scotland

    Join the Digitally Enabled Workforce team to explore national resources and learning opportunities that support workforce digital skill and digital leadership development.
    Hear about the new Digital and Data Capability Framework, and Technology Enabled Care resources and qualifications.
    Our sector is evolving at pace, are our people evolving with it?

  • Alistair Merchant & Drew Frame Consortium Procurement

    Join event sponsor, Consortium Procurement, to explore the intrinsic link between housing, health, and social care, and learn more about how their newly launched Technology Enabled Lives framework has been developed to support residents with lifelong adaptation and independence – the only national framework informed by the TSA.

14:20 Breakout Block B

  • Callum Chomczuk CIH

    Join our afternoon plenary where we head back to the future to explore the age of Artificial Intelligence.
    AI is advancing and improving its capabilities daily, so fasten your seatbelts as we launch into these concepts within the context of social housing focusing on the potential AI and how can we keep our businesses secure and our staff and tenants safe.

  • A review of the day and a thank you to our speakers.

Important notice This programme is correct at the time of publication. We reserve the right to make alterations or substitutions, if necessary. All timings may be subject to change. Views expressed by speakers at the event, or in documents or notes provided, are their own and may not necessarily represent the views of SFHA.

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