Archangel ::
Intratone ::
Essence Smart Care ::
IOPT Assets ::
Telealarm ::
The Compliance Workbook ::
CSL Group ::
TSA ::
Canary Care ::
AICO :: Archangel :: Intratone :: Essence Smart Care :: IOPT Assets :: Telealarm :: The Compliance Workbook :: CSL Group :: TSA :: Canary Care :: SFHA :: DIMPLEX :: CHAMELEON DIGITISATION :: LEGRAND ::
The Technology for our Ageing Population:
Dr Lynne Douglas joined Bield Housing & Care as Chief Executive in November 2019. This followed over twenty years as a senior NHS Director working in services across the age spectrum. A Dietitian by background Lynne lead on many strategic programmes within Health that championed the role of Allied Health Professionals and improved outcomes for service users
Lynne completed her Doctorate in 2017 looking at ‘Organisational Readiness for Transformational Change across Health, Local Authorities and Third Sector Organisations The move to Bield Housing & Care resonated strongly with Lynne’s interest in Public Sector Reform. Also the need to further create connectivity between Housing and Health in Scotland to help improve outcomes for local communities. Passionate about a whole systems approach to modernise and connect public services and engaging the population in how to live longer healthier lives through utilizing all of the assets around them. Lynne is also a Non-Executive Director on both TSA-Voice which champions the use of technology and digital solutions in improving outcomes for users and CCPS which is a prominent TSO working to safeguard, promote and represent the interests of not-for-profit care and support providers in Scotland.
Conference 2023 Programme
Stephanie Elliot, Technology Enabled Care in Housing (TECH) Lead
“We’re not in Kansas anymore” ~ Dorothy Lynne Douglas and Gary Bailley, Bield Housing & Care
Leaving behind the black and white world of analogue Bield Housing takes us on a journey to a new digital domain. Join Lynne Douglas as she discusses how Bield has overcome uncertainty and fear of the unknown to explore the full potential of smart technology in housing and hear how it has influenced the development of Bield’s corporate strategy.
Workshop sessions
Tara French and Marian Reid, Scottish Government
Digital inclusion means ensuring that everyone can develop their skills and confidence and can access an appropriate device and connectivity to do the things they want to do online. The Scottish Government’s Digital Health and Care Directorate is working on a new programme, delivered in partnership with the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations and Connecting Scotland, that will focus on digital inclusion in mental health and housing.
Gary Dickson, SFHA
Now, more than ever, the need for better digital capabilities has become a top priority for housing, health and social care sectors. It has become essential to be able to operate and complete many services and processes, both internally and externally, in a digital way. This has implications for how we process and protect our data. Join us as we explore themes of digital maturity and hear how the nation’s first Data strategy will support Scottish housing.
Rikke Iversholt, Digital Health and Care Directorate & Amy Dougan, Hanover Housing Association
Assisted living technologies help people communicate with healthcare professionals, seek urgent help, and reduce social isolation, as well as maintaining health, fitness, and wellbeing. Join TECH Scotland and Hanover Housing Association as they discuss proactive models of support using technology and the impact it’s making on people’s lives.
“You are capable of more than you know” ~ Glenda
Stephanie Elliot, TECH
This panel session will feature discussions focused on workforce recruitment, retention, and development. We will explore topics such as housing as a career of choice and consider how technology and digital can help pull new talent into the sector. As the workplace continues to evolve, so must the workforce. With staff being increasingly more likely to encounter technology as part of their role. How do organisations support their staff to adopt new ways of working that may require a new set of skills?
“You’re off to see the wizard” ~ The Munchkins
Elizabeth Brooks NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland
During this session you will hear from Health Improvement Scotland as they share a new, codeveloped, online resource for designing person centred services in housing, social care, and health. This workshop will have you working with other delegates, exploring the opportunities and challenges faced by housing, health, and social care, brainstorming how to define the problem and how to develop the solution. Let’s see what we come up with!
Workshop sessions
Sharon Hannah, Digital Office for Scottish Local Government & Maureen Richardson, Link Group
Join the Digital Office for Local Government and Link Housing Association Group as they explore opportunities and challenges of the analogue to digital telephone switch off and hear how they intend to support housing providers navigate the transition with practical advice. The 2025 switch off is looming & anyone with analogue telecare needs to act now to be digitally ready. Help and support is at hand, come on in.
Nicola Cooper, Cheryl Stevenson, Dan Plant & Katherine Long, Scottish Care
Scottish Care will speak to their collaboration with TECH to investigate the use of preventative analytics to achieve high level confidence when determining a required level of care. We will introduce you to the care technologist role and share how we are utilising their skills and expertise within a housing context and looking at how we bridge the gaps between housing health and social care services.
Join Aico as it talks about its work with TECH and the healthier homes pathfinders. We will explore the adoption of IOT sensors in housing and how they are being used to monitor and manage assets, tackle damp and mould and improve services for vulnerable people. Hear from pathfinders on how they are applying this technology and using the data to support strategic decisions.
‘There’s no place like home’~ Dorothy Lucy Fraser, Albyn Housing
Join our final plenary where Albyn Housing Society shows us why ‘there’s no place like home’ as it supports people at all stages of life, through technology, sensors, AI, and machine learning. Join Albyn Housing’s Head of Innovation Lucy Fraser as she discusses the fit homes concept and demonstrates how it supports residents to take charge of their own wellbeing through a system of innovative technology and design.
Important notice This programme is correct at the time of publication. We reserve the right to make alterations or substitutions, if necessary. All timings may be subject to change. Views expressed by speakers at the event, or in documents or notes provided, are their own and may not necessarily represent the views of SFHA.
Notice of filming Throughout the conference, there may be photography, and the photos will be used for SFHA promotion and publicity and on social media. By your attendance at the conference, you acknowledge that you have been informed that you may be photographed or asked for comment as part of the release of promotional material. If you do not wish to be photographed as part of this event, you should inform SFHA staff immediately. Thank you for your co-operation. GDPR and your privacy SFHA has an updated privacy policy to ensure it meets GDPR standards. You can view it at