Tech 2024 Conference

What’s in store at the TEC Housing Conference 2024? Back to the Future: Saving time with technology”

Our exciting programme is packed with insightful sessions, expert speakers, and innovative discussions that will explore the intersection of technology and social housing. From engaging keynotes to interactive workshops, you’ll discover how RSLs can leverage digital solutions to enhance tenant outcomes and streamline operations. Don’t miss out on the chance to learn from industry leaders and connect with peers who share your commitment to improving lives and communities across Scotland. Click here to view the full programme and secure your spot today!


Are you Tech (technology enabled care in the housing sector) ready?

Assess your organisation’s current digital maturity today.

It only takes about 10 minutes to complete, and you will see your results straightaway.

Explore the courses available.


The existing analogue telephone network will be switched to digital connectivity.


Tech (technology enabled care in the housing sector) supports housing providers, their tenants and customers to explore, test and embed digital opportunities across housing.

Be part of tech love and take a look at the like minded housing providers who have signed up to the tech charter.


Advances in technology have accelerated change in our sector, shaping how we engage with our tenants and how we deliver our services.

‘tech’ has come together with partners to create a trusted space, providing a source of inspiration and information for the housing sector.

tech is

What is ‘tech’.

We offer advice and support in innovation and technology in the Scottish housing sector.

We envision a world where technology enabled care in the housing sector is used on a routine basis to ensure tenants receive the right advice, care and support, at the right time, in an environment they feel safe in, primarily their own home.

We exist to share knowledge and expertise around technology enabled care and support with the housing sector, encouraging organisations to keep customers at the heart of innovation and service improvements.

Our aim is to make technology in housing more accessible, to showcase the impressive and impactful application of technology that is happening right now across Scotland and to bring together tech-minded innovators looking to develop or implement digital technology that improves the lives of tenants.

‘tech’ offers advice and support to the Scottish housing sector through:

  • ‘tech’ will work with commercial, public and third sector partners to facilitate and/or fund small test of change and proof of concept projects that demonstrate how a technology or digital application can improve outcomes for tenants.


  • The ‘Scottish Approach to Service Design’ describes design as a way of exploring the problem space openly, collaboratively and with users, before a solution or service is decided. A method of exploring problems that removes organisational or sectoral boundaries. A way of working that should be present at the very heart of government policy, bringing otherwise disparate parts of the public sector around a common goal.

    IHUB SD toolkit

  • tech and Digital Telecare for Scottish Local Government have co-designed detailed pathways within the Digital Telecare Playbook that explores the stepping stones to achieve a digital transition through four phases: Discovery, Planning, Implementation and Closure.

    Digital office playbook

  • Advancing technologies are changing how we do business; driving both the pace and scale of changes in the world of work, including jobs in housing. As the workplace continues to evolve, so must the workforce. Staff will be increasingly more likely to encounter technology as part of their role, and organisations must support their staff to adopt new ways of working that may require a new set of skills.

    Digital skills and leadership

  • Near Me is a secure, easy to use, web-based video appointments service that’s available to all social landlords, enabling housing services to be delivered or facilitated through video calling. The system was originally designed for NHS Scotland and is tried and tested, safe and secure. See Training videos

    We love ‘tech’. We want you to love it too and hope you will join our growing ‘tech community’ of housing professionals, sharing experiences, lessons and contacts with peers, working together to demystify how digital technology really works and what it means for Scottish housing.

    Tech Charter

We love ‘tech’. We want you to love it too and hope you will join our growing ‘tech community’ of housing professionals, sharing experiences, lessons and contacts with peers, working together to demystify how digital technology really works and what it means for Scottish housing. [Tech Charter]

Subscribe now to get exclusive access to our upcoming news and reports.

tech love logo

Be part of the future. Join the organisations embracing tech. 

Join our latest partners in tech


Abbeyfield Scotland

Barrhead Housing Association Ltd

Berwickshire Housing Association Ltd


Blackwood Homes and Care

Bridgewater Housing Association

Cairn Housing Association Ltd

Dalmuir Park Housing Association Ltd

Scottish Borders Council

Eildon Housing Association Ltd

Elderpark Housing Association Ltd

Perth & Kinross Council

FifeHousing Gorup / Fife Partnership

Forgewood Housing Co-operative Ltd

Fyne Homes

• SFHA • Abbeyfield Scotland • Barrhead Housing Association Ltd • Berwickshire Housing Association Ltd • Bield • Blackwood Homes and Care • Bridgewater Housing Association • Cairn Housing Association Ltd • Dalmuir Park Housing Association Ltd • Scottish Borders Council • Eildon Housing Association Ltd • Elderpark Housing Association Ltd • Perth & Kinross Council • FifeHousing Gorup / Fife Partnership • Forgewood Housing Co-operative Ltd • Fyne Homes

Counting down to the big analogue to digital telephony switchover

Don’t leave it too late.

How to manage the transition to digital telecare

The Digital Telecare Playbook contains everything you need to ensure a smooth, safe transition to a digital service. 

Simply register and follow the pathway for housing providers.

What are the next steps?

Unlock the Power of Digital Transformation with Our Comprehensive Check-up Tool

Assess, Enhance, and Lead the Way in the Digital Landscape

Take a look >>

Bield client


Bield proactive telecare pilot leads to 75% reduction in ambulance calls.”